
This guide is meant to assist contributors to the Strimzi documentation.


  • asciidoctor

  • python

Project layout

common/                              # Shared include files
common/attributes.adoc               # Global book attributes
images/                              # Shared image files

Setting up git

Strimzi uses git to manage repositories. This guide explains how to set up your system to connect to the proper git repositories.

Red Hat OpenJDK Docs (GitHub)

A public GitHub repo that hosts all of the OpenJDK code and documentation.

Install git

If using Fedora, open your terminal and enter the proper installation command.


$ yum install git (up to Fedora 21)
$ dnf install git (Fedora 22 and later)

Other operating systems

Configuring git

Once you have git installed you’ll want to set up your git account.

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Set your name and email

    $ git config --global "<your-name>"
    $ git config --global "<your-email>"
    The email you specify should be the same one found in your email settings. To keep your email address hidden, see Keeping your email address private.
  3. Set your git defaults

    $ git config --global pull.rebase true
    $ git config --global push.default simple

Fork the upstream (GitHub) repository

Fork the RH-OpenJDK-Docs upstream repository to create a copy under your own GitHub ID. This allows you to work on multiple features and push changes to branches in your own GitHub instance so that you do not have to worry about losing work. When you are ready, you can request the changes to be merged back into the upstream repository.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to the upstream repository located at

  2. Click Fork located in the upper right under your profile icon.

  3. Select your user account for the location of the forked repository. This creates your own copy of the repository under your own GitHub ID.

Add your SSH keys to GitHub

If you choose to use the SSH address for your clones, you will need to add an SSH Key to GitHub first.

  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Check to see if you have a public SSH key:

    $ ls ~/.ssh/
  3. If you don’t have a key, generate one:

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<your-email>"
  4. Open your key in an editor:

    $ cd ~/.ssh/
    $ vi
  5. Copy the contents of the file to your clipboard.

  6. Visit

  7. Click New SSH Key.

  8. Give your key a name and paste the contents of your key file.

  9. Click Add SSH Key.

Clone your forked upstream repository

Clone your forked repository to bring your GitHub repository files to your local machine. Your forked repository is now the origin repository for your local files.

For more information about forking and cloning, consult the official GitHub documentation.
  1. Open Terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the new repository folder.

  3. Type the following command:

    $ git clone<username>/docs
  4. Navigate to the newly created docs folder.

    $ cd RH-OpenJDK-Docs/

Add the upstream as a remote repository

Once you have your fork checked out and cloned locally, add the downstream repository as a remote.

  1. List the current remote repositories:

    $ git remote -v
    origin<username>/docs.git (fetch)
    origin<username>/docs.git (push)
  2. Add the upstream as a remote repository and fetch its contents. This allows you to check out and work with the latest source code.

    $ git remote add -f upstream
  3. Enter your GitHub credentials to complete the remote add process.

  4. Verify the new remote was added:

    $ git remote -v
    origin<username>/docs.git (fetch)
    origin<username>/docs (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

Updating repository URLs

If the upstream repository is moved, you can change the downstream URL by using the following command:

$ git remote set-url upstream

Use the following command any time you need to fetch the latest source code locally:

$ git fetch upstream

Contributing to the documentation

The following guide walks you through contributing to the OpenJDK documentation.

Getting started

Before you begin you need to:

Contributing to the documentation

Once you have your local repository set up and have up to date copies of upstream content you need to follow these steps to contribute to the documentation.

  1. Open your terminal

  2. cd to the directory where your documentation resides

  3. Checkout the master branch

    $ git checkout master
  4. Update your local repository and fork with the upstream content

    $ git pull upstream master
    $ git push origin master --force
  5. Create a new branch for your work (using the issue number is helpful)

    $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
  6. Make your edits in the editor of your choice

  7. Save your changes locally

  8. If you are creating new files, add the files to the repository

    $ git status
    $ git add <file-name>
  9. Commit your changes

    $ git commit -a -m "<message>"
  10. Push your changes to your fork

    $ git push origin HEAD
  11. If the update is rejected because the commit is behind, merge your changes

    $ git pull upstream master
    $ git push -f origin HEAD
  12. Visit your fork on GitHub

  13. Click Compare & pull request

  14. If a SME review is needed:

    1. Add SME Review Needed label.

    2. When SME review is complete, remove SME Review Completed label and go to step 16.

  15. Add Peer Review Needed label and assign a Reviewer.

    1. When peer review has been completed, the reviewer deletes the Peer Review Needed label and adds the Peer Review Done label.

  16. When Peer Review Done label has been added:

    1. If no changes are needed, remove Peer Review Done label and add Ready for Merge label.

    2. If changes are needed and the changes are minor, make changes to the files, commit, and push, and then remove Peer Review Done label and add Ready for Merge label.

    3. If you want an additional review on the updated content, add the Peer Review Needed label and ask for another review in a comment.

AsciiDoc format reference

Tips for which AsciiDoc markup to use when formatting text.

Monospace (`)
Item Example

File names and paths

The `/home/user/.bashrc` file …​

Literal values

If the value is `true` …​

Configuration attributes

Set the `enabled` attribute …​

Java class names

The `java.sql.Connection` class …​

Java annotations

The `@Clustered` annotation …​

Italics (_)
Item Example

Guide titles

See the _Installation Guide_ …​

Emphasis for a term (only emphasize first time)

_High availability_ refers to the …​

Bold (*)
Item Example

GUI items (menus, buttons)

Click the *Add* button and …​

Underline (value)
Item Example

Default item in a multi-select


Style guidelines

General styles

Table 1. General quick reference
Item Use Not

Filesystem names and paths, symbols, and literals.


GUI items (Match the capitalization of the button)


Navigation link text


Superuser console commands

$ sudo





List of options (underline the default if there is one)



Decimal integers < 10



Decimal integers >= 10



Hexadecimal integers (always numeric, lowercase x)



Number ranges (always use numerals)



Do not use Latin abbreviations

that is


and so on


for example




can not











Additional general guidelines
  • Stick to one file per chapter unless the content is too long, excluding reusable topics.

  • Don’t use contractions, ;).

  • Document IDs are book-scoped, so they don’t need the book title in them.

  • Terminate bulleted and numbered lists with periods unless the items listed are simple names.

  • The words "server" is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence or appear in a title.

  • Avoid the word "simply" unless it clarifies.

  • For substitution of {attr} in code blocks, use [subs=+attributes].

  • For styling of *bold* (bold) in code blocks, use [subs=+quotes].

Naming files

Table 2. File Names Quick Reference
Item Use Not

Custom attributes




File and directory names




Learn more about naming files in the Files and Attributes appendix.

Styling headings and titles

Uses sentence-case headings for modules, tables, and figures.

Table 3. Headings quick reference
Item Use Not

Section headings

Configuring the system with RHEL

Configuring the System with RHEL

Configuring The System With RHEL

Procedure Titles (gerund)



Table and block titles

This is an example

This is an Example

This Is An Example

Hyphenated headings

Configuring point-to-point messaging

Configuring Point-To-Point Messaging

Configuring Point-to-point Messaging

Unnumbered titled sections


Section IDs

The format defined here is recommended because it is the most stable and versatile of anchor formats, and supports variables that enable topics to be reused and cross-referenced properly. Other anchor formats include [[anchor-name]] and [#anchor-name], but these formats either do not support variables for content reuse or do not support certain character types, such as periods. These limitations cause errors at build time.

Learn more about reusing content in the Modular Documentation Reference Guide.

Table 4. IDs quick reference
Item Use Not

Document IDs





Styling punctuation

General punctuation guidelines
  • Do not refer to an individual punctuation mark or special character by its symbol alone.

  • Use the name alone, or use the name followed by the symbol in parentheses.

  • Use the name alone if the punctuation mark or special character is standard, such as a comma or period, and including the symbol would clutter the text.

  • Include the symbol in parentheses when a punctuation mark or special character is not well known or when including the symbol improves clarity.

Table 5. Punctuation quick reference
Character Name



< >

Angle brackets, opening angle bracket, or closing angle bracket

" "

Double quotation marks, opening quotation marks, or closing quotation marks (not quotes or quote marks)

' '

Single quotation marks, opening quotation mark,or closing quotation mark (not quotes or quote marks)


Percent sign

( )

Parentheses, opening parenthesis, or closing parenthesis


Dollar sign


Asterisk (not star)


Number sign


Exclamation point (not exclamation mark or bang)

Styling replaceables

Replaceable values in the text and code must be styled as monospace, italics, lowercase, arrow brackets, and hyphens.

Table 6. Replaceables quick reference
Item Use

Replaceable value


Location of broker instance


Component install directory


If using a replaceable within a source block, you will need to add subs="+quotes"` to the source tag for it to render. (For example : [source,subs="+quotes"]).
If you enter the source language, for example, 'shell', the italics will not render.
Table 7. Links Quick Reference
Item Use Not

Zip files




Tar files




External links[GitHub^][GitHub]

Internal links

xref:doc_id[Section Title]

xref:doc_id[Section Title^]

If you use the caret syntax more than once in a single paragraph, you may need to escape the first occurrence with a backslash.
Links with attributes (including the subject and body segments on mailto links) are a feature unique to Asciidoctor. When they are enabled, you must surround the link text in double quotes if it contains a comma.
Additional link guidelines
  • Refer to the top-level sections of books as chapters, not sections or topics.

  • Do not split link paths across lines when wrapping text. This will cause issues with the doc builds.

Screenshot guidelines


  • Images should be saved as PNG or JPG, with a width of at least 660 px, at 110 dpi. Try to keep file size less than 300 KB.

  • Screenshots supplement the text, not replace it. Do not rely on images to provide information or context.

  • Do not include any testing/pre-release labels.

  • Do not include any personally identifying information.

  • Capture just the part of the screen or window that users must focus on; do not include window headers in the final screenshots unless completely necessary.

  • Manipulate your screenshots to condense important information in them and limit empty GUI space and other inconsequential parts.

General guidelines

  • Screen captures can be useful and successful when they achieve one or more of these objectives:

    • Illustrate a user interface that is fairly complex or difficult to explain in text

    • Help the user find a small element in a complex user interface

    • Show the results of a series of steps or user actions

    • Orient readers who are reading the publication without the user interface in front of them

  • Use the smallest number of screenshots possible.

  • Use screenshots to provide verification for the reader, rather than instruction. For example, screenshots are meant to supplement the text, not replace it. Do not rely on images to provide information or context. Instead, use them only to provide the reader with orientation.

    Example 1: Do not tell the reader to fill out a form according to the image; instead list the values needed for the form in text.
    Example 2: Do not include an image of the directory tree; instead tell the user exactly where to find the file in running text (…​/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml).
  • Bearing in mind the affect on localization and accessibility, aim to write your document so that, were you to remove all screenshots from the book, the text still makes sense.

    For example: Do not write "see image below" or "as is shown in the image"
  • When you are snapping a GUI form, fill it with relevant input first.

  • Verify that the screenshots do not include any testing/pre-release labels.

  • Verifty that the screenshots do not include any personally identifying information.

    For example: Always use 'test' as the username or fake contact information. If including the browser title bar hide your bookmarks and use a default browser theme.
    Use Chrome Dev Tools to select elements on the page and rewrite their contents.
  • Include the cursor, mouse pointer, or menus only when their presence is significant.

  • Increase font size in the browser if it is hard to read before snapping the image.

  • Capture just the part of the screen or window that users must focus on.

    For example: Unless necessary, do not include window headers in the final screenshots to indicate your currently used window manager or desktop environment.
  • If possible, try not to cut any elements on the screen.

  • Show the user interface elements exactly as they are displayed for most users for quick recognition.

    For example: If you have a custom theme on your system, disable it and take the screenshot using the default theme.
  • Do not add borders around or drop shadows to your screenshots.

  • Do not use rounded corners. If the screenshot contains rounded corners, then that is acceptable. But, the screenshot should remain squared.

Tech specifications

  • Image width should be at least 660 px (internal tools will automatically resize the image to a max width of 660 px).

  • The preferred format is PNG or JPG .

  • The output resolution of images should be 110 dpi to ensure good quality in the generated PDF.

    In GIMP, select Image/Scale Image…​ to set resolution
  • If possible, try to keep screenshot size less than 300 KB.

  • If possible, avoid snapping images in various terminals with 8-bit color scale or less.

  • Manipulate your screenshots to condense important information in them and limit empty GUI space and other inconsequential parts.

    You can do this by setting a low screen resolution or resizing your browser window to a smaller size. Remember that you should only do this if it does not adversely affect the readability of the image.
    If you need to take a screenshot of the entire window, use a tool such as the Window Resizer Google Chrome extension to ensure the browser window is a set size before taking the screenshot. This helps ensure that all full window screenshots are of standard dimensions.
  • If necessary, call attention to hard to find parts of the screenshot with red outlines (border: #C00, width:1px) or with a transparent gray (#ECECEC) layer over unimportant parts of the picture.


  • Section 508 compliance requires that all of the information is available in a text format for accessibility reasons (for instance, screen readers can not extract information from images).

  • Also, a large number of screenshots can possibly slow download of docs for those on slow connections (rarer for most enterprises these days).

AsciiDoc syntax

  • Insert a block-level image, which uses a double colon (::). Good for screenshots, diagrams, etc.

    • Example 1: Include an image title in title case (which automatically appends a Figure #).

      .Image Title
      image::icon.png[Alt text, 50, 50]
    • Example 2: Insert an inline image. Note, there is only one colon (:) used here.

      This is an inline image. image:icon.png[Alt text] Cool!

Additional questions

  • When should I add a screenshot to my book?

    • When introducing a new part of the UI.

    • When the UI is suboptimal and some elements are difficult to find, located in unusual places, hidden, or somehow less visible.

  • When, in the development cycle, should I add my screenshots?

    • Add them as late in the cycle as possible, preferably during the review process. At this late stage, hopefully there will be fewer UI changes to the product.

      Add a placeholder for the screenshot early on in the development cycle. This way it will not be forgotten.
  • What image editor should I use?

    • The recommended graphical editor is GIMP.

Browser extensions

Resizing screenshots

There are a couple simple browser extensions that can assist in resizing your browser to the appropriate dimensions.

Appendix A: Files and attributes

Important files

Standard attributes


Shared includes




Anchor names and file names

To optimize modular documentation, follow these guidelines for naming module anchors and files:

Anchor names

Provide an anchor in the format [id='anchor-name'] for every module so that it can be identified by Asciidoctor when reused or cross-referenced. Give the anchor the same or similar name as the module heading, separated by dashes:

= Module Heading

First sentence of topic.
Note on other anchor formats (Not Recommended)

The format defined here is recommended because it is the most stable and versatile of anchor formats, and supports variables that enable topics to be reused and cross-referenced properly. Other anchor formats include [[anchor-name]] and [#anchor-name], but these formats either do not support variables for content reuse or do not support certain character types, such as periods. These limitations cause errors at build time.

File names

Give the module file the same name as the anchor used in it (which is the same as or similar to the module heading), also separated by dashes. Add a prefix with an underscore to the file name to indicate the module type in the format prefix-file-name. Use snip- for a snippet, con- for concept, ref- for reference, proc- for procedure, assembly- for assembly, and image- for images and screenshots.

  • snip-guided-decision-urls.adoc (Snippet of reusable content)

  • con-guided-decision-tables.adoc (Concept module)

  • proc-creating-guided-decision-tables.adoc (Procedure module for creating)

  • proc-editing-guided-decision-tables.adoc (Procedure module for editing)

  • ref-guided-decision-table-examples.adoc (Reference module with examples)

  • ref-guided-decision-table-columns.adoc (Reference module with column types)

  • assembly-guided-decision-tables.adoc (Assembly of guided decision table modules)

  • image-guided-decision-example.adoc (Screenshot or image of guided decision table modules)

Appendix B: Git tips

Delete branches

To delete all of your branches except the branch you are on:

$ git checkout master
$ for br in `git branch` ; do git branch -D $br ; done

To delete one branch:

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D <branch-name>

Resolve conflicts

To resolve a merge conflict in an existing pull request:

$ git checkout <branch-name>
$ git branch -u origin <branch-name>
$ git pull --rebase upstream master
$ git push -f origin HEAD

Reset your fork

If your fork is both ahead of and behind the origin you can reset your fork to match the origin and start with a clean slate.

$ git checkout master
$ git reset --hard upstream/master
$ git push origin master --force
$ git pull upstream master
$ git push origin master --force

Using ssh-agent to save your SSH key’s passphrase

If you have to enter your SSH key’s passphrase whenever working with the repository from the command line, you might want to use the ssh-agent to remember the passphrase for you.

Before using the ssh-agent you will see a prompt to enter your passphrase after each git command.

[amq-repo]$ git pull --rebase upstream master
Enter passphrase for key '/home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa':

To add your passphrase to the ssh-agent:

[amq-repo]$ ssh-add
Enter passphrase for /home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa:

After entering your passphrase you will see confirmation that your passphrase has been saved:

Identity added: /home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa)

Access another writer’s unmerged commits

This is the process you can use if you need commits another writer has submitted in a merge request that is not yet merged.

  1. Check out a new topic branch from upstream/master as you normally do.

    $ git fetch upstream
    $ git checkout -b <new-topic-branch> upstream/master
  2. If you have not yet added that writer’s remote repository, add it now.

    $ git remote add -f <user><user>/RH-OpenJDK-Docs.git
  3. Rebase to bring in the changes that are in that user’s outstanding origin/<merge-request-branch> branch.

    $ git rebase <user>/<merge-request-branch>

    (you’ll see the following response)

    First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
    Fast-forwarded <new-topic-branch> to <user>/<merge-request-branch>

Appendix C: Templates

The following templates must be used to produce consistent modular documentation for Strimzi. Download the adoc files in zip format.

Doing one procedure

This paragraph is the procedure module introduction: a short description of the procedure.

  • A bulleted list of conditions that must be satisfied before the user starts following this assembly.

  • You can also link to other modules or assemblies the user must follow before starting this assembly.

  • Delete the section title and bullets if the assembly has no prerequisites.

  1. Start each step with an active verb.

  2. Include one command or action per step.

  3. Use an unnumbered bullet (*) if the procedure includes only one step.

Additional resources

Concept explanation

A short introductory paragraph is required for the concept module. It will provide an overview of the module.

The contents of a concept module give the user descriptions and explanations needed to understand and use a product.

  • Look at nouns and noun phrases in related procedure modules and assemblies to find the concepts to explain to users.

  • Explain only things that are visible to users. Even if a concept is interesting, it probably does not require explanation if it is not visible to users.

  • Do not include any instructions to perform an action, such as executing a command. Action items belong in procedure modules.

Additional resources

Reference material

A short introductory paragraph is required for the reference module. It will provide an overview of the module.

A reference module provide data that users might want to look up, but do not need to remember. It has a very strict structure, often in the form of a list or a table. A well-organized reference module enables users to scan it quickly to find the details they want. AsciiDoc markup to consider for reference data:

Unordered list
Labeled list
Term 1


Term 2


Table 8. Table
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Row 1, column 1

Row 1, column 2

Row 1, column 3

Row 2, column 1

Row 2, column 2

Row 2, column 3