Extending styles

Extending styles in the vale-at-red-hat repository

The vale-at-red-hat repository is an open source project maintained and developed by volunteers. If you want to contribute to the Vale at Red Hat project, feel free to open a PR.

If you use a custom Vale rule set in your Red Hat project, please consider adding it to the vale-at-red-hat repository.

  1. Configure the rule in the styles folder: .vale/styles/<Style>/<StyleName>.yml.

  2. Configure the test fixtures in the fixtures folder: .vale/fixtures/<Style>/<StyleName>/testinvalid.adoc|testvalid.adoc

  3. Run the vale command in the test fixtures folder to ensure that the rule triggers as you expect, for example:

    $ vale .
    Example output
     2:1  error  Quoted ID value is not closed.  AsciiDoc.ClosedIdQuotes
     6:1  error  Quoted ID value is not closed.  AsciiDoc.ClosedIdQuotes
    ✖ 2 errors, 0 warnings and 0 suggestions in 2 files.
  4. Add, commit and push your changes.

  5. Request a review or help in the Slack channel #vale-at-red-hat, in the CoreOS workspace.

Additional resources