Understanding Vale output

As a technical writer, you typically run vale on the command-line against a content file:

$ cd openshift-docs/logging/troubleshooting/
$ vale cluster-logging-troubleshooting-for-critical-alerts.adoc

The resulting command output gives you a list of suggestions, warnings, and errors based on customizable styles and vocabulary.

As a writer, you review the output, decide which issues are valid, and update your content accordingly.

Example 1. vale command line output example
238:27 error      Did you really mean        Vale.Spelling
244:6  suggestion Verify your use of 'there  IBM.Usage
                  are' with the word usage
244:38 warning    Consider using 'available' CheDocs.CommonTerms
                  rather than 'present'

Understanding the vale command line tool output presentation

First column

The line and character number of the issue, such as: 244:6.

Second column

The alert level, such as error, suggestion, or warning. See: Understanding Vale alert levels

Third column

The rule message, such as: Verify your use of 'there are'

Fourth column

The name of the style and of the rule, such as: IBM.Usage.

Understanding Vale alert levels


Fix the language error. This alert level includes Spelling errors, which are frequently happening on products and tools names. In that case, consider Creating a vocabulary for a project or Extending the Spelling rule.


Consider fixing the language error.


Heads up! Verify the usage depending on the context. Content containing suggestions is fine.